June 24-27, 2025
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
amherst, MA

July 8-11, 2025
Concordia University nebraska
seward, ne

July 29-August 1, 2025
calvin university
grand rapids, mi

All Things New


He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"
(Revelation 21:5)

The one who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Jesus promises that just as He is risen, we will rise. The last great enemy has been destroyed. Everlasting life belongs to all who believe…one day.

But for us, some days, that day feels far away. Like it’ll never come… like it’s been made for someone other than you. 

Dear one, hear the promise for you today, too. “Behold, I am making all things new.”…right now. It doesn’t just mean that one day, everything will be fixed. It means that things are allowed to be broken today. Nothing can be so damaged that it can’t be made new. Nothing broken will say that way. There is a resurrection of all flesh. 

We can look forward with hope, even when everything falls apart around us. The promise isn’t held at arm’s length. When today is still broke, He who sits on the throne wants you to cling to the promise now. You are already a child of God, and so you are already a child of the resurrection. Call the sin that destroys what it is. Call death the last great enemy. It has already been defeated. 

Live a steadfast faith today no matter what things look like because you rest on a yesterday that was made whole on the cross. Realize that God hates the same things you war against too, but he has already won the victory… the victory that makes All Things New. 

Join us in 2025 for All Things New.