
Since 2005, Higher Things® has provided free daily devotions, called Reflections, for youth and families. These Reflections are centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and are based upon texts from the one-year lectionary and Luther’s Small Catechism.

Reflections are available in multiple formats! You can subscribe to the daily email, subscribe to the Reflections podcast, or download the entire season in booklet form.

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Pentecost 10-13

Pentecost 6-9

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  • Reflections
Reflections: Friday of the Ninth Week After Pentecost

Reflections: Friday of the Ninth Week After Pentecost

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Reflections: St. James the Elder

Reflections: St. James the Elder

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Reflections: Wednesday of the Ninth Week After Pentecost

Reflections: Wednesday of the Ninth Week After Pentecost

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Reflections: Tuesday of the Ninth Week After Pentecost

Reflections: Tuesday of the Ninth Week After Pentecost

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Reflections: St. Mary Magdalene

Reflections: St. Mary Magdalene

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Reflections: Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Reflections: Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

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