Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca

The greatest Gift God gives is the forgiveness of all our sins, which has been won for us by Christ upon the cross. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper provide concrete and tangible ways for us to connect to Christ and His sacrifice. Through baptism, we have been united with Christ in His death and resurrection (Romans 6). Through the Lord’s Suppe, we eat and drink the very Body and Blood of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and are strengthened and preserved in the one true faith unto life everlasting. 

Pastor Chad Hoover serves as Campus Pastor at Concordia Lutheran High School and as a pastoral assistant at Emanuel Lutheran Church in New Haven, IN. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in elementary education with a concentration in speech and theatre from Concordia University Chicago in 1998. He taught third grade from 1998-2000 at Seymour Elementary School in Payson, IL, before receiving his M.Div. from CTSFW in 2004. Pastor Hoover has been married to his wife, Andrea, since 1998. They have been blessed with four children

The faith is important to your kids and to the youth of your church. Higher Things wants to make the gifts of Jesus known to them just as much as you do. After a summer of taking a break from studying the catechism, the HT confirmation camp is a fantastic opportunity to dust off those catechisms and deep dive into two Chief Parts before the year begins. There are also tons of benefits to kids when they get to experience time away from their normal life in an environment like a camp. 

Give them that experience at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca and let them have fun with all sorts of camp activities like horseback riding, rock climbing, zip lining, canoeing, and campfires.

Registration is open to both groups and individuals, meaning confirmands can come with their classmates and a chaperone or register individually and be chaperoned by one of Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca’s camp counselors. This event is open to all youth.


Alec Deppe
Director of Programs and Retreats at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca
(319) 848-4187
Tana McKenna
Higher Things Retreat Coordinator
(888) 482-6630 ext. 4


The registration fee includes all meals throughout the duration of camp as well as all activities, classes, and lodging at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca.

You may contact Alec Deppe, Director of Programs and Retreats at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca at (319) 848-4187 or to receive an informational packet. The camper profile, health form, health screening form, and release of liability must be completed for each camper. To register a group follow the registration instructions located on the website as well as the informational packet.

Groups and Individuals should register online or by mailing the camp registration packet to Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca. Registrations are accepted anytime until the camp begins.