Wrong Questions: Safety in Religion?

We’re playing the wrong questions only game! 🎯

🤔Question: How can I use my religion to make me feel safe?

(If you ask a law question, expect a law answer. ⚖️ Any question that includes phrases such as “What can I do?” is a law question.)

It’s the opposite of faith because faith doesn’t look to self; it looks to Jesus. ✝️

Faith looks to God for every good gift, including safety.🛡️

God, the creator, takes care of everything. 🌍

Relying on political parties or self-help methods can turn into idolatry. 🏛️📚

We start turning the gifts and blessings from God into idols. ⚠️

(It’s why prosperity teachers make so much money, and so many people follow them. 💸)

God gives us gifts we see and can’t see… 🌟

🛡️He defends us from all evil
🚧He protects us when we don’t even know we’re in danger

False teaching tells us he does it because… 🚫

✔️ We did something good
📖 We’ve been reading the Bible
⛪ We’ve been going to church

He doesn’t do it because of any merit or righteousness in us. ❌

➡️The Truth: You know Christ loves you because he died for you, and that’s what you get to measure safety against. ❤️✝️

Even the bad news is good news because of Jesus. 💖

Jesus promises peace through his presence, not through a lack of trials. 🕊️

Even death has been conquered through Christ. ⚰️✝️

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31) ✨

In the face of trials, Jesus calls us to run to the cross (where He comes to us).🏃

The peace God gives you is the forgiveness of sins. 🤝

Safety is not rooted in having enough good things or too few bad things. 💎💔

It’s rooted in a present God FOR YOU. 🌟

When we experience suffering, remember that it too has a purpose. 🌱

Rejoice in the life of faith that looks not to ourselves, but to the gifts of the Holy Spirit — where He forgives your sins and washes you clean. 💧

Contributor Marsh Shamburger is Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, CA.

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

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