Speaking in Tongues? Healing?

❓What is the Lutheran View on Speaking in Tongues & Healing? 🗣️

We know that it happened in scripture. ✅📖

BUT even as Paul is describing it happening, he tells us that we should earnestly desire higher things.😉📜

We are supposed to focus on the proofs that God is working in the church 🙌, and that’s NOT whether or not we can do stuff 💃, but whether or not He has already done it. ✅

Trust in the resurrection. ✝️ Trust in your baptism. 💧 There you actually have something to stand on. 🪨

There were times when the church spoke in tongues to avoid persecution. 🛡️

Now we have the internet. 🌐📲

There were times when God worked miraculous healings ✨💊, and He still does inside of the church. 🏛️🙏

As Christians, we should never be surprised when we come across one of these things ✨, but you don’t measure them. 🚫

First, it will make God seem farther away because God might not have the same plans we do. ❌

But also, we really only end up measuring ourselves. 🔄🧍📏

The good news is that Jesus measures up on our behalf. 🙌

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

#higherthings #lcms #lutheran #speakingintongues

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