Sharing Your Faith

❓How to Talk About Your Faith

📚 You don’t need theological expertise to share your faith with friends. While it may feel daunting in a world that isn’t always receptive to Christianity, there are several natural ways to approach these conversations.

1️⃣ Start by inviting friends to church. ⛪

🤝 This gives them an opportunity to learn more and allows your pastor to serve as a resource. Remember that your role isn’t to convert anyone – that’s God’s work through His Word.

2️⃣ Share how your faith shapes your perspective. 💫

🌟 Christians often view life’s challenges differently because our worldview is informed by Scripture. For instance, when discussing difficult situations like health struggles or moral dilemmas, you can naturally explain how your faith provides guidance and comfort.

🤗 Look for points of connection in everyday conversations. When you find common ground on values or experiences, these can serve as bridges to discuss how faith influences your viewpoint.

3️⃣ Use your knowledge of basic Christian teachings as a foundation. 📖

✨ As Peter wrote, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).

📘 The catechism covers most common topics that arise in faith discussions. If friends ask questions you can’t answer, it’s perfectly fine to say you’ll consult your pastor for guidance.

4️⃣ Keep the focus on Jesus (not social issues). ✝️

❤️ While social issues like abortion or marriage may come up, keep the focus on Jesus. The core message is simple: Jesus is God who died for our sins.

🕊️ You don’t need elaborate explanations – this fundamental truth is what matters most.

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.

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