🤔 What Does It Mean That Man Is Born Sinful, and Why Is It Important?
👶 Being “born sinful” means that humans are naturally inclined to sin from birth.
🌱 This isn’t just about doing bad things — it’s a condition. Sin isn’t simply actions but a state of being, like a disease that affects every part of us.
📖 The Bible explains this in many places, such as Romans 5:12, which says, “As by one man sin entered the world, and death by sin, so death passed upon all men, for all have sinned.”
💭 One way to know if this is true is to ask, “Can humans die?”
💔 Tragically, even babies can die, showing that sin affects everyone from the moment of conception (Psalm 51:5).
🔄 This condition, called original sin, means we are born separated from God and naturally self-centered.
Sin shows itself in two ways:
1️⃣ Original sin (our sinful nature)
2️⃣ Actual sins (the wrong things we do or fail to do, like breaking the Ten Commandments)
🎯 But fixing outward actions doesn’t address the deeper problem. The real issue is the disease of sin itself.
✝️ This is why Christianity isn’t about “trying harder” or earning salvation through good behavior. Instead, it’s about receiving Jesus, who is the cure.
⚡ Jesus took on our sin — original and actual — on the cross, offering forgiveness and life.
📜 As 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “He who knew no sin became sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God.”
🔍 Understanding original sin helps us see why Christ’s work matters.
🎁 It shows that Christianity isn’t a self-improvement plan; it’s about receiving God’s gift of forgiveness through Jesus.
⚖️ Without this understanding, Christianity could become just another set of rules.
🙏 Instead, it’s about grace — being united with Christ through baptism, receiving communion, and living in the forgiveness He gives.
❤️ In short, original sin explains why the world is broken and why we need Jesus. Through Him, we find life and hope.
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
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