September Update

Summer’s over…. The conferences were great… What’s Next? A Lot! We have videos, devotions, and more releasing every day FOR YOU! Check us out on YouTube and social media to stay up-to-date with our latest content.

Higher Things needs the support of individuals and congregations to ensure that we can continue producing content and resources that make the Gifts of Christ Jesus known to youth and young adults. Please consider joining the 93 committed individuals and congregations and becoming a patron of Higher Things as we push toward our year-end goal of 150 supporters at $500 annually. Learn more at https://higherthings.org/500for500/.

General About HT

Higher Things seeks to make the Gifts of Christ Jesus known to youth and young adults…but what does this mean? 

HT offers a variety of resources like conferences, retreats, camps, mission events, videos, devotions, podcasts, and books.  Higher Things points youth and young adults toward Christ crucified for them, the very message they hear in your sanctuary! 

Higher Things is a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Throughout the last 25 years, HT has supported the congregations, universities, and seminaries of the LCMS by helping to create a distinctly Lutheran identity in our youth and young adults. We help your church equip youth and young adults to stand firm in Christ Jesus. 

All Things new // Higher THings 2025 Conferences

 Everlasting life belongs to all who believe…one day. But for us, some days, that day feels far away. Like it’ll never come… like it’s been made for someone other than you. Realize that God hates the same things you war against too, but he has already won the victory… the victory that makes All Things New. Join us in 2025 in Amherst, Massachusetts, Seward, Nebraska, and Grand Rapids, Michigan for All Things New.

Bulletin and Newsletter Inserts