Through the past two decades, Higher Things has had a monumental and lasting impact on the lives of our youth and young adults. 

HT4Me exists to showcase this impact by telling the stories of those who have been influenced by HT. 

These stories come from attendees, parents, volunteers, staff and those who work tirelessly to support the youth and young adults served by HT making the Gifts of Christ Jesus known to youth and young adults. 

The goal of HT4ME is to spread awareness of Higher Things’ mission and the impact the organization has already had on countless people throughout its existence. 

HT4ME is built around the testimonies of individuals positively impacted by the work of HT. These stories demonstrate HT’s mission and Christ’s transformative power in the individual’s lives. From Pastors and Deaconesses to teachers, parents, and lay leaders, HT has impacted someone in all of these vocations and more! 

Show HT is FOR YOU today by proudly wearing your Ickthys lapel pin or your “Known by Baptism” bracelet. 

People face a storm of messages and images every day– on an ever-growing array of devices and mediums that speak to the world, not to Christ Jesus. This small confession professes your faith in Christ and gives you an opportunity to talk about the Gospel and the work of Higher Things.