David wrote the 51st Psalm 🙏 after the prophet Nathan confronted him, and he realized he was guilty of adultery and murder y 💔.
It is a Psalm of confession and absolution. It’s a Psalm about forgiveness of sins.🤝
The most miraculous thing about this Psalm is that the Holy Spirit 🕊️ drove David to write it down — so that we could pray it, too.
And we can go back to it over and over again. 🔄
You can confront your guilt 😞 more than once. There is forgiveness 🙏 over and over when you fall back into sin 😓.
Interesting Fact: This Psalm is prayed in the Divine Service in the Eastern Orthodox tradition — every week.
This is a Psalm you should pray when you struggle with your sin 😓.
It’s a Psalm that ends in comfort and promise 🙏 — you don’t have to make up for your own sins. Jesus paid the price on the cross ✝️. He is the answer for our guilt 😞.
Here you are reminded of God’s mercy for you. ❤️
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
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