Is Baptism An Outward Sign of My Inner Faith?

✨ **Is Baptism Just an Outward Sign of My Inner Faith?** ✨

If you’ve ever thought baptism is just something *you* do to show *your* faith—pause for a sec. ⏸️

Baptism isn’t about *our* work; it’s about **God’s** work. 🙏✨

Lutherans believe that baptism is NOT a symbol.

It’s not about showing off your commitment—it’s about Jesus applying His grace to you through water and the Word. 🌊✝️

When Jesus died 2,000 years ago, how does that sacrifice become *yours* today? Baptism!

It’s where God washes you clean and gives you the Holy Spirit, connecting you to Christ’s victory on the cross. 🕊️💧

It’s not just a moment for *us*—it’s **God’s** action, His promise, His gift. 🎁🙌

Contributor Merritt Demski is the Pastor at St. John’s in Alta, Iowa.

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