How the Red Sea and Baptism Are Connected

📖 Lent 3 Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1

❓Have you ever thought about how the story of the Israelites escaping Egypt 🏜️ is a lot like our own baptism?

Paul makes that connection in 1 Corinthians 10 — when the Israelites passed through the Red Sea 🌊, it was their baptism.

They were freed from slavery to Pharaoh 👑, just like we’re freed from sin, death, and the devil through baptism ✝️.

But the comparisons don’t end there.

They wandered in the wilderness 🏕️, relying on God for food 🍞 — just like we rely on God’s Word 📖 and the Lord’s Supper 🍷 to sustain us in this sinful world.

And just as they entered the Promised Land 🌿 by crossing the Jordan River 🌊, we’ll fully experience God’s baptism promises when we reach eternal life ✨.

Paul warns, though—not all of them made it ⚠️.

Even though they drank from the same spiritual rock (which was Christ! ✝️), many fell into sin: idolatry 🛑, sexual immorality ❌, testing God 🤨, and grumbling 😠.

Because of this, thousands died in a single day 💀.

Paul says their story is a warning for us — ❌ don’t chase after sin.

Instead, seek God’s mercy ❤️.

And here’s something else that’s cool: Moses didn’t lead the Israelites into the Promised Land — Joshua did 🏆.

The name “Joshua” in Hebrew is Yeshua—the same name as Jesus! ✝️

It’s Jesus who leads you into the true Promised Land 🕊️ by His mercy, His strength, His forgiveness, and His fulfillment of the law.

So as you walk through this life 🚶‍♂️, remember — you’ve been freed 🔗, you’re being sustained 🍞, and Jesus will bring you home 🏡 — to the eternal promised land 🌅.

Contributor Matthew Zickler is pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Western Springs, IL.

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