How Does Baptism Connect Us to Jesus?

Faith in baptism is faith in Christ.

Jesus is never separated.

He’s never apart from baptism.

It is his word.

It is his name that is attached to that baptism.

It is in that baptism that He says, ‘I am working to forgive you.’

You see, baptism connects us to Jesus.

In baptism, we have a shared experience with Jesus that we are brought together with him.

Just like in the rest of our lives, if we share an experience with someone else, like…

Going to the same school
Having the same teacher
Playing the same sports
Fighting an illness
Battling an addiction

That common experience brings you together.

And Jesus was baptized just as we were baptized.

We have been united in that act, in that experience of being human, of being baptized.

We are baptized into his baptism
We are baptized into his life
We are baptized into his crucifixion
We are baptized into his resurrection.

We now share in his glory.

We believe in baptism because in baptism we find Christ.

Contributor Brett Simek is the pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church Rantoul, in Hilbert, WI.

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