📖 In Psalm 118, this phrase is repeated over and over again. “His steadfast love endures forever.” ✨
💫 This means that it is unceasing no matter the circumstances.
🙏 No matter what circumstances we’re going through, that is a promise that we can count on.
❓ But does it always feel that way? Do we always recognize that God is providing many blessings for us? Sometimes we do.
🎁 God blesses us through family, friends, and even school.
💭 But what about those times when we don’t feel the love of the Lord?
😔 What about those times when your family drives you crazy? When your friends are being less than friendly? When the workload at school seems to be more than you can bear?
🤔 During those times, can we still confess that the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever?
💗 What about those times when we’re driving the crazy train? When we’re the one mistreating our friends? Or we are struggling with school due to our own fault?
🌟 Does the steadfast love of the Lord endure for you during those times?
🌈 The steadfast love of the Lord is not an abstract concept that we think about only when times are tough or only when times are good — it applies all the time, no matter the circumstances.
⚓ This is a sure and certain promise, and the psalmist says, “The Lord is my strength and my song, he has become my salvation.”
✝️ Even though there are hardships in this life, know this — your sins are forgiven in Christ and the Lord’s steadfast love endures for you.
👑 This love is forever because of the life that Christ has given to you, both now and forever.
Contributor Chad Hoover is the Campus Pastor at Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
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