Does Christianity Make You Intolerant?

🤔 Does being a Christian mean you have to be intolerant?

The answer isn’t simple, but here’s the key: Christianity teaches you to love others while being clear about right and wrong. ❤️💫

Think about it like this: When you love someone, you want what’s best for them. 🌟

Sometimes it means speaking up when they’re hurting themselves or others. 🗣️

It’s like seeing a friend about to drink rat poison — true love means stopping them, even if they get angry at you in the moment. ⚠️

Your approach will vary based on your relationship with the person. 🤝

You’ll talk differently to your best friend than to a stranger about their choices. 👥

If someone is struggling with a problem and feels guilty about it, they need your compassion and support. 🫂

If they’re deliberately causing harm and don’t care, they need to hear hard truths, (aka, the law). ⚖️

Remember that Christianity doesn’t teach you to hate people, but it does teach to be discerning about behaviors and ideas that cause harm. 💭

You can disagree with someone’s actions while still treating them with dignity and respect. 🙏

The goal isn’t to win arguments or prove you’re right; it’s to help people understand God’s love and forgiveness. ✝️

It’s important to have real conversations with people, not just shout opinions from a distance, (aka, the internet). 💻

Sit down, listen, and talk one-on-one. Share your concerns from a place of genuine care, not judgment. 👂❤️

And remember that everyone is imperfect and needs grace. 🕊️

So yes, there are some places where Christianity will make you intolerant of certain things. There is never a place where Christianity should rob you of compassion. 💖✨

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.

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