26 repetitions of “His steadfast love endures forever” form the foundation of Psalm 136.
This refrain illuminates God’s creating, redeeming, and sustaining work throughout the psalm, which offers a framework for thanksgiving in four key areas.
The psalm first gives thanks for God’s triune nature,
Then for His work of creation,
followed by His acts of deliverance through the Exodus and conquest (detailed in Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua),
And finally for His ongoing provision.
The driving force behind all these divine acts is God’s enduring love for His people.
Christ appears in Psalm 136 through God’s steadfast love and mercy.
Christ, who created the world and redeemed it through His blood, continues to provide daily forgiveness, life, and salvation.
This mercy in Christ becomes the sphere where believers “live and move and have their being.”
The psalm serves as both a template for thanksgiving and a cry for mercy — mercy already demonstrated but continually needed and abundantly given through God’s faithful love.
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