Baptism: Like the Israelites, Our Escape From Slavery

The Israelites were trying to escape from slavery.

But they run into a HUGE problem – Water. LOTS of deep water.

They’re trapped and the enemy is in full pursuit.

They have no way to save themselves.

And in steps God.

He parts the Red sea so that the children of Israel can pass safely on dry ground to the other side.

The enemy pursues Israel, but God drowns them.

God saves his people through the water and the enemy dies.

St. Paul says that this event is like your baptism.

The devil, the world, and even your own sinful flesh enslave you and result in your death.

The enemy is in full pursuit with a vast army host of warriors out to destroy you.

There’s nothing you can do to save yourself.

In Steps God.

God opens a way through the waters of the baptismal font, connected to Jesus, to his death, his burial, and his resurrection for you.

In this simple but sacred act, God works the forgiveness of all of your sins.

He rescues you from slavery to sin and death.

Satan and his army host are left for dead.
Sin is drowned.
Death is defeated.

All three lie at the bottom of the fount like Pharaoh and his minions at the bottom of the sea.

You are saved, not by your own works, but by the working of God through the water with his word.

Contributor Pastor Daniel Voth is Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Grand Forks, ND.

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