💧 *Baptism connects you to Christ… but what does that actually mean?* 💧
On the surface, the three elements of baptism are quite simple.
You have…
God’s Word
A sinner
However, what actually is happening in Baptism is extraordinary and somewhat beyond our comprehension.
In short, Baptism connects you to Christ in His death and in His resurrection.
Romans 6:3-4 says that in baptism, we’re connected to Christ’s death AND resurrection.
It’s like this
When Jesus took your sins to the cross, they were buried with Him in the tomb.
And when He rose? Your sins stayed buried. Forever. 🙌
Your old self (with all its sin) is left behind, and your new self is connected to Jesus.
Sin doesn’t define you anymore—Christ does. ✝️🔥
Because Christ is righteous, you are too.
Contributor Chad Hoover is the Campus Pastor at Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
#higherthings #jesus #baptism #lutheran #lcms
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