⁉️ Does it matter what we believe about what happens in baptism?
⛰️Is this a hill worth dying on?
Christians have different views about baptism.
✝️ Some Christians say that baptism is merely an outward sign of an inward change.
💧 Other Christians say that baptism now saves you, and that if we believe and are baptized, we’ll be saved (which is what the Bible says).
🤔 Is this a difference where we should just agree to disagree?
As Lutherans, this distinction matters!
Why? 🔍
▶️ We want to make sure we rightly believe, teach, and confess what Scripture says about baptism
▶️We also want to rightly understand what happened when God applied His name to us with the water and the Word.
What baptismal hills NOT to die on?
🪣 What the baptismal font looks like
📍 Where someone is baptized
✋ Baptism methods
What baptismal hill is the hill to die on?
💦 What happens with the water and the Word:
— ✨ That Christ washes away your sins
— 👑 That God robed you with Christ’s righteousness
— 🕊️ That Christ cleans your conscience
— 🛡️ That Christ preserves you in His kingdom
Why is this important?
🎯This is the way Scripture talks about baptism.
Contributor Merritt Demski is the Pastor at St. John’s in Alta, Iowa.
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