What Is the Demon-To-Pig Ratio?

The Bible can be a dark place sometimes….

Consider the story of the man possessed by demons in Mark 5.

He was…

Cut off from all of his family and friends
Not living in his right mind
Tormented night and day
Living among the dead

However, when the demon-possessed man sees Jesus, he runs and falls down before him.

And this is no act of worship.

This is how the demon is compelled to behave in the presence of the creator of all things.

This passage is such a comfort, in that we see that the demons have ZERO ability to stand toe-to-toe with Jesus.

Jesus’s authority tackles and wins over even the darkest forces. 📖

And in that, you can take peace and comfort.

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

#lcms #higherthings #lutheran #demons #jesus

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