Weaponized Traditions

Are traditions, especially in the church, a bad thing? 🤔

Traditions aren’t inherently bad.

They can actually be a very good thing!

In fact, they shape our society and provide structure.

But what happens when we start elevating these traditions above the Gospel and God’s commandments?

In Mark 7, Jesus challenges the Pharisees who turned traditions into weapons, placing them above God’s commandments.

They were so focused on man-made rituals that they missed the point.

Their traditions became weapons—used to control, exclude, and overshadow what was truly important.

When we begin relying too much on the rituals of men, we risk setting them above not just the rituals of God, but the promises of God, too.

Listen to the entire discussion on our YT channel!

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

#lutheran #lcms #higherthings #unculturedsaints #traditions

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