The Scriptures often flip our expectations upside down.
Throughout the Bible, God chooses unlikely messengers to speak His truth—those whom the world might overlook.
This theme continues with Jesus, who did not come to be an earthly king or a mere provider of miracles.
God’s plan doesn’t conform to our desires for earthly power or convenience.
And Jesus wasn’t sent to be another earthly king or a miracle vending machine – spitting out miracles left and right.
His mission was far greater: to be the hope for us here on earth.
By understanding this, we can appreciate that God’s actions always align with His will – and his will is for our eternal good, rather than our temporary satisfaction.
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.
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