“Therefore we Christians must be armed and daily expect to be incessantly attacked, in order that no one may go on in security and heedlessly, as though the devil were far from us, but at all times expect and parry his blows. For though I am now chaste, patient, kind, and in firm faith, the devil will this very hour send such an arrow into my heart that I can scarcely stand. For he is an enemy that never desists nor becomes tired, so that when one temptation ceases, there always arise others and fresh ones. Accordingly, there is no help or comfort except to run hither and to take hold of the Lord’s Prayer, and thus speak to God from the heart: Dear Father, Thou hast bidden me pray; let me not relapse because of temptations.”
Faith is important to your kids and to the youth of your church. Higher Things wants to make the gifts of Jesus known to them just as much as you do. After a summer of taking a break from studying the catechism, the HT confirmation camp is a fantastic opportunity to dust off those catechisms and deep dive into two Chief Parts before the year begins. There are also tons of benefits to kids when they get to experience time away from their normal life in an environment like a camp. Give them that experience at Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca and let them have fun with all sorts of camp activities like horseback riding, rock climbing and zip lining, canoeing, and campfires.