Why Don’t Lutherans Do Testimonies Like Other Churches?

🤔Why Don’t Lutherans Do Testimonies?

Testimonies are a prominent feature in evangelical traditions but less common in Lutheran churches.

❓What’s wrong with testimonies?

🛑 They often shift the focus from Christ to the individual, creating a “me-centered” narrative rather than a Christ-centered one.

⚠️ There’s a risk of “exceptionalizing” faith stories, which might alienate those without dramatic experiences.

🤷 They can become overly individualistic, focusing on personal uniqueness rather than shared grace and salvation.

The impact of testimonies:👇

📉 A testimony-focused culture may prioritize behavior modification over the gospel message of grace and forgiveness.

💃 It shifts church from being a place to receive grace to one where individuals feel pressured to showcase their spiritual achievements.

The Lutheran take:👇
📖 Faith is created by hearing God’s Word, not through subjective experiences or individual narratives.

🛡️ The Lutheran confessions forbid preaching and public teaching in a worship setting without a formal call, raising concerns about lay testimonies in public worship.

🙏 Emphasis on human sinfulness highlights the need for Christ’s forgiveness rather than self-improvement stories.

💔 Lutherans acknowledge the ongoing struggle with sin, pointing to Christ’s mercy as the foundation of hope.

Even outwardly pious individuals struggle internally, emphasizing the need for Christ’s salvation.
💡 Acknowledging inner brokenness aligns with the Lutheran focus on grace over works (or appearances).

Ultimately, we don’t want to have a story. We want the life, death, and resurrection of the God-man, Jesus Christ, who is the savior of the world. 🙌

There’s a time and a place to talk about struggles and give encouragement, but it’s not from the front of the church or in place of Bible study. 📚

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.

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