✝️ We know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so why do we default to the law?
❤️ You probably feel this inner drive to earn God’s approval — that’s normal. It’s like we’re all programmed with this instinct to follow rules and try to be “good enough.”
😔 When you mess up (which everyone does), you might think you need to work harder to make up for it.
🌟 But here’s the thing: You can’t earn your way into heaven, and you don’t need to. Jesus already did the heavy lifting.
⚡️ Think of it like this — you can’t put Jesus back in the tomb. He died for you, rose again, and that’s a done deal. You can’t mess it up.
📜 The law isn’t bad — it helps guide you and protect others.
✨ But following rules isn’t what saves you. That’s all Jesus.
🤔 You might be thinking, “So what am I supposed to do as a Christian?” It’s not about checking boxes or proving yourself worthy.
💫 Sure, you’ll still struggle with wanting to prove yourself — that’s your human nature. But every time that happens, remember: You don’t need to impress God.
🙏 Jesus already took care of everything. Your job isn’t to be perfect; it’s to trust that His perfect love is enough.
🎮 It’s like having the cheat codes to life — but instead of feeling guilty about it, you get to live freely, knowing you’re covered. Pretty cool, right?
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.
#higherthings #lcms #lutheran #law
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