❓Question: Christians often argue for God’s existence by suggesting the universe needs an initial cause, but what caused God? 🤔
God is the unmoved mover. 🌌
You can look around 🌎 and see objects in motion. Anything that is in motion was put in motion.
Think about it like this — If you see a ball 🎾 rolling down the street, that didn’t just happen. Something moved the ball.
But what about the first thing that moved? What moved that?❓
Nothing moved it. 🚫 If nothing moved it, that means it has to start from outside our creation.
This unmoved mover would be what we call God. 🙏
Nothing caused God. God simply is. We see this in his name… I AM. ✨
God existed before time, and he created time. ⏳
This idea of the unmoved mover is a “proof” for the existence of God. 🛠️
But there are also problems with this argument:
▶ It assumes time is linear with a beginning and an end. 🕐
▶ It doesn’t define who God is. ❔
While the idea of the unmoved mover is an important philosophical truth, it won’t convince somebody there is a God. 💭
It’s an idea you can use to defend belief in God. 🛡️
❓Question: Christians often argue for God’s existence by suggesting the universe needs an initial cause, but what caused God? 🤔
God is the unmoved mover. 🌌
You can look around 🌎 and see objects in motion. Anything that is in motion was put in motion.
Think about it like this — If you see a ball 🎾 rolling down the street, that didn’t just happen. Something moved the ball.
But what about the first thing that moved? What moved that?❓
Nothing moved it. 🚫 If nothing moved it, that means it has to start from outside our creation.
This unmoved mover would be what we call God. 🙏
Nothing caused God. God simply is. We see this in his name… I AM. ✨
God existed before time, and he created time. ⏳
This idea of the unmoved mover is a “proof” for the existence of God. 🛠️
But there are also problems with this argument:
▶ It assumes time is linear with a beginning and an end. 🕐
▶ It doesn’t define who God is. ❔
While the idea of the unmoved mover is an important philosophical truth, it won’t convince somebody there is a God. 💭
It’s an idea you can use to defend belief in God. 🛡️
(Coming to belief happens through the preaching of the gospel.) 📖
The unmoved mover paints a picture 🎨 of how God works.
…He has to work from the outside-in for creation.
The Small Catechism says:
“I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to him, but the Holy Spirit has called me by the power of the gospel.” ✝️
That describes an outside working-in kind of God.
The unmoved mover comes down into creation, bleeds and dies on the cross for you. ❤️✝️
Christianity is not a do it yourself religion, but rather a God has done it religion. 🙌
The God who sets this creation in motion 🌍 sustains it.
We still do a lot of damage with sin 💔, but God, in his mercy, sustains this creation. 🌟
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
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