What is the Physical Evidence for the Existence of God?

❓What evidence is there for the existence of God in our physical universe?

The idea of evidence is that it can be used to convince someone of something or defend what you already believe. ⚔️

☑️ Keep this (from the Small Catechism) in mind when talking to others about the faith:
“ I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel.”

That means that no amount of evidence ❌ is ever actually going to convince somebody of God’s existence apart from the preaching of the gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit.

If you want to look for evidence of God, don’t start with creation.🌳
➡️ We get out of OUR depth really fast, and it will be nothing but a battleground.

When talking about evolution, there’s no explanation of how inorganic matter became organic matter. ⁉️

Instead of talking about the first article of the creed that you see beset by sin, look to the one that conquers it — Jesus. ✝️

Why start with Jesus? He took part in our physical universe.🙋‍♂️ This is documented history — that he lived, died, and stopped being dead.

There is a lot of evidence for the resurrection, including witnesses who were martyrs for their faith. (No one would die for a lie.) ⚔️

There are only three options for who Jesus is: Lord, liar or lunatic.

The existence of God is proven in the resurrection.

Because it’s proven in Jesus; it will be proven in you. 🤲

This is where were make our stand.🎯

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

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