Should You Be Dating? A Conversation for Christian Teens

❓Are kids allowed to date if they’re Christian? 🤔✝️

For Christians, dating isn’t just a recreational activity — it has purpose. 🎯 You’re exploring whether this person could be a potential life partner in marriage. 💍

This means having real conversations about faith, values, and future goals. 🙏💭

Unlike what society often portrays, love isn’t just a feeling — it’s an action. ❤️🚶‍♂️
Real love means being willing to sacrifice for someone else. 🤲

In dating, you’re discovering if this is someone you’re willing to commit to, build a life with, and sacrifice yourself for. 🏗️🏠

Some practical wisdom:

▶️ Set clear boundaries. Physical affection easily crosses into territory that you might regret later. 🛑⚠️
▶️ Practice chastity — this means making choices now that lead to a healthy marriage in the future. 👑🔒

Remember that physical intimacy connects souls, not just bodies. Like fire, sex is wonderful in the right place (marriage) but destructive outside of it. 🔥

You will make mistakes. Everyone does. The good news is that Jesus offers forgiveness and grace for every sin, including against the sixth commandment. 🙌

When you mess up, don’t run from God — run to Him through confession and absolution. 🏃‍♀️🙏

Confession and forgiveness are also key ingredients in a healthy marriage. 💯

One thing to look for when dating is if you will be able to forgive the person when he or she betrays you? It will happen. 🤝

Just as Christ forgives the church, so husbands and wives forgive each other. ✝️

It all builds on the forgiveness we receive in Jesus. 💖

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Executive Director of Missions and Theology.

Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.

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