Remember Your Death

🤔 What does Jesus say about facing death?

⏰ It’s a reality we all must confront, even though we often get caught up in our daily routines and become numb to this truth.

✝️ But here’s the beautiful thing – Jesus offers you profound comfort and peace about death.

🗣️ Remember when Jesus held intimate conversations with his disciples? He emphasized being alert and awake, not just about his second coming, but about the reality of our mortality.

⚰️ The early church had a saying: “memento mori” (remember your death). This doesn’t mean YOLO! 🎉

⚖️ Instead, it’s about confronting the fact that you will be judged. So, go to the place where you will be judged: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

⛪ Where is that? Church.

🎵 Every single week the church prepares you to die because it teaches you your funeral hymn.

👶 In Luke 2, when Simeon held the baby Jesus, he said he could now “depart in peace” because he had seen salvation.

🙌 (Here’s the cool part: We sing these very words every week in our liturgy!)

🕊️ This is the peace Jesus offers you — the assurance that death isn’t the end, but a transition to being with Him.

🍷 Through communion, you participate in what Jesus called “the marriage feast of the lamb.”

🍞 Each time you receive His body and blood, you’re reminded that you can depart in peace because your sins are forgiven, and where Jesus is, you will be also.

⚔️ Jesus’s message about death is an invitation to rest in the assurance that He has conquered death for you.

⚡ You don’t need to fear judgment because He has already paid the price and received the judgement we deserve in our place.

🌟 Whether you live another fifty years or face death tomorrow, you can have peace knowing that in Christ, death has lost its sting.

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Matt Richard is Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Minot, ND.

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