Jesus Says Don’t Be Anxious, But How Do I Stop?

❓Question: I know Jesus says not to be anxious, but I’m still anxious by the end of church. What am I supposed to do? 🤔
Here are some ways to tackle this . . .
1️⃣ Reflect on Jesus’ Words: Jesus assures us that God cares for us, providing everything we need. Anxiety often stems from fear of what might happen, but remembering that while we are not in control, God is. Trusting in Him shifts the focus from our lack of control to His promise of provision.
📖 Matthew 6:25-34
2️⃣ Read your Bible: Find some passages in the Bible that are comforting to read and that you can return to in times of need. (Ask your pastor for ideas if you don’t know of any.) 📚🙏
3️⃣ Confession & Absolution: If your anxiety is tied to guilt, talk to your pastor. Confession and absolution remind us of God’s forgiveness and can ease our burdens. 💬✝️
4️⃣ Consider Christian Counseling: Sometimes, we need help working through struggles. A Christian counselor can provide guidance that aligns with your faith and addresses the root causes of anxiety. 💡🧠
Some things to keep in mind👇
💬 We need to care for the spiritual self, as well as the physical and mental self.
😟 If you are anxious, it’s not a sign that your religion isn’t working.
🙏 It’s good to pray, but prayer is for comfort… it may not take your anxiety away.
💊 Even if you get anti-anxiety medication, it’s important to solve the root of the anxiety.
✨ You need to learn how to imagine again. The devil will take the gift of imagination that God gave you and twist it into worry. To imagine again is to meditate on God’s promises. Imagine if there was such a thing as a God who loved you enough to die for you, to conquer death, and to save you even in spite of yourself. 🌈✝️
🫂 You can’t do this alone. Seek help from your parents, pastor, and/or a counselor.
Anxiety turns us in on ourselves, and we need to find ways to focus on things that are external — such as God and his promises. They can help us refocus and give perspective. 🌟

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Chris Brademeyer is Pastor of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Oakes, ND.

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