If I’m Forgiven in Baptism, Why Do I Need the Lord’s Supper?

If I’m baptized, why do I need to go to the Lord’s Supper? 🤔✝️
We face three constant enemies:
🦠 Our sinful flesh — the “old Adam.”
🌍 The world — with its passions, schemes, and temptations we must endure.
👹 The devil — relentlessly attacking our conscience.
As a result, we constantly need all the gifts that the Lord gives us. 🎁
So, why the Lord’s Supper? Simply put, Jesus gave it to us 🙏
The catechism points to two reasons: it’s for you and for the forgiveness of sins.
❓What does baptism do?❓
🧼It forgives your sins, washes you clean daily, and gives you a new identity. ✨
🌱Baptism kills the old self and brings the new self to life.
💖It’s where God’s name is placed upon you.

❓What does the Lord’s Supper do?❓
🍞🍷Jesus says, “Receive this. This is my body,” given for your forgiveness.
🕊️ Where there’s forgiveness of sins, there’s also life and salvation.
✨This forgiveness frees us from guilt, shame, and dishonor.
The Lord’s Supper is the only place we receive Christ’s body and blood. ✝️
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper aren’t exclusive; they work together for you. 🤝
We also receive forgiveness from the preached word, Scripture, and confession and absolution. There’s a reason for so many sources of forgiveness. 📖🙏
So perhaps the real question is: Why would the Lord have us go to His Supper?
He tells us: for the forgiveness of your sins. ❤️

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Marsh Shamburger is Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, CA.

#higherthings #lcms #lutheran

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