❓How Do We Know If God Is Telling Us to Do Something in Our Life? 🤔
The Simple Answer: Is it in the Bible? 📖
Let’s dig a bit deeper . . . 🚜
📜 God’s Law: God instructs us through His Word. If what you believe God is telling you goes against the Bible, it’s not from Him. (See Gal. 1:8)
🐺 Looks Can Be Deceiving: We can’t base the truth of something on how good it looks or sounds because Paul says that the devil disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14)
💔 Feelings Can Mislead: We can’t rely on our emotions for truth, as Jesus says that evil things come from the heart. (Matt. 15:19)
❓ What about the “Messy Middle” where God seems quiet or unspecific? Questions like: Where should I go to college? Who should I marry? Where should I live?
🗣️ God Speaks to Us in Two Ways:
1️⃣ The Mediate Way – through means such as the Bible, church, or your pastor.
2️⃣ The Immediate Way – direct communication, like prophecies where God speaks directly (e.g., to Abraham).
📏 Testing the Validity of Immediate Prophecy:
📜 Does it align with God’s Word?
✨ Can the prophet perform a miracle? (In the Bible, genuine prophecy is often accompanied by miracles.)
⚠️ Note: The devil can do miracles, but he cannot teach in accordance with God’s will.
🔍 Reasons Someone Might Misinterpret God’s Voice:
🛍️ It’s something they deeply desire.
🙈 They want to avoid responsibility for their actions.
📜 They’re seeking justification for something they want to do.
💡 Remember: God’s will for us always aligns with His Word, not just our wishes.
Contributor Amelia is a college student and HT’s assistant webmaster.
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