How Do We Bring Unity to the Church? 🤔
We might think unity comes from what we do – our efforts, programs, or activities. 🏃♀️🏃♂️
True unity isn’t something we create — it’s something we receive as a gift from God. 🎁 It comes through His Word and through Jesus. ✝️
Think about Pentecost: The Holy Spirit brought thousands together not through team-building exercises, but through a simple message: 🕊️
“You’re sinners. Jesus died for you. Get baptized for the forgiveness of your sins.” 🌊
Fellowship also isn’t about something we’re doing. It points to something Jesus gives us through His Spirit, Word, and Sacraments. 🍞🍷
But if unity comes from God, why are there so many denominations? 🤷♀️
➡️While Jesus unites, false teachings divide. ⚔️
Unity isn’t ignoring differences — it’s standing together in truth. 🧩
It’s like a fire drill at school. Everyone needs the same belief about what to do when the alarm rings (or it will be chaos). 🚨
Similarly, when someone faces sin and death, we need one clear message of hope through Jesus. ✝️
You might not always feel united with other Christians, just like you might not always feel close to family members. 👨👩👧👦
Real unity doesn’t depend on feelings. It’s based on what God has already done by connecting us to Jesus when we became his children. 👶
When we’re tied to Jesus as your head, you’re automatically tied together with other Christians to His body – AKA, other Christians. 👐
True unity flows from receiving God’s gifts together: one Lord, one faith, one baptism. 1️⃣
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Executive Director of Missions and Theology.
Contributor Marsh Shamburger is Pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Rocklin, CA.
#higherthings #lcms #lutheran #churchunity
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