✨ What does the virgin birth of Jesus Christ mean? Why is this important? ✨
🌟 Why would God choose to work this way? 🌟
We believe that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. 🙏
📜 There is Old Testament prophecy pointing to this…
“The virgin shall conceive and bear a son” (Isaiah 7:14)
This means that Jesus is in fact the very same Jesus who was foretold of old. 🌠
It shows that Christianity is not a brand new religion, but really the continuation of the first. 📖
What does it mean for us?❓
🌿 Jesus is not born sinful.
❤️ Jesus was free from death, but he chose to die for you and the whole world.
🙌 He is fully God and fully man.
✨He has two natures, the divine and the human.
✝️ When the Son bore the cross for you, the Son, divine and human, died.
✅ He fulfilled OT prophecy.
The virgin birth paints a picture of the kind of God we have:🖼️
🌍 A God who would use something like the virgin birth to enter into this creation.
💔 He subjects himself to humiliation to save you.
🙏 He works through the lowly to save you.
👉 Remember: Mary started catching flack right away because her virtue was called into question. (Joseph was planning to divorce her.) 💔💍
The Virgin conceived and bore a son because this is where God works — in the place where the world would mock and belittle. Just like the world mocks the cross. 😔✝️
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
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