As Lutherans, How Should We Evangelize?

One thing that needs to die when we talk about missions and evangelizing is putting the burden on ourselves. ❌

As Lutherans, we say that it is the Holy Spirit who calls, gathers, enlightens, sanctifies, and keeps us in the true faith. ✨

We believe it is not by our own reason or strength that we believe in Jesus. So, if you can’t choose to believe in Jesus, why is evangelism your job to make other people believe? 🤔

Many Christians say, “If you’re not evangelizing, there’s a problem, and you are depriving possible future Christians.” ⚠️

The problem: If Christianity has become a burden to recruit more Christians, but they don’t think they need the gospel anymore, they’re trying to invite somebody to a pyramid scheme. 🏗️📉

The truth: We can’t rob Jesus of those whom he would save. 👑

So, what about missions? 🌍
1️⃣ Evangelism is awesome. 💬
2️⃣ You cannot take away from the kingdom of God by failing to do missions. ⛪
3️⃣ You cannot add to the kingdom of God by doing it right because Christ is the one who saves us. ❤️

What’s cool is that you sometimes get to see something amazing when someone comes to Christ.

One challenge with evangelism is that everybody hates the gospel and loves the law. 🛑

The gospel is not received by good people trying to be better, but by the broken. 💔

It’s not about what you do. It’s about what’s been done by Christ for you. ✅

In the right time and place, God will confront someone with the reality that they need help and send somebody to tell them about Christ. ✝️

What we can do… 🤲

❤️Start by caring about the people around us so we can provide real comfort (through the gospel) when they reach that broken place.

💯That’s when you can tell someone it’s not their job to fix it. It’s Christ’s, and it’s done.

We were bought with Christ’s own precious blood, worth more than gold or silver. 🩸✨💎

What you learn in Bible study, catechism, and Scripture is what equips you to witness to others. 📚

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

Contributor Amelia is a college student and HT’s assistant webmaster.

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