God permits eating animals to sustain life 🍖, but forbids consuming blood 🩸, as it represents life.
Taking another human’s life is an affront to God ✋, who created us in His image 🙏.
Though difficult, capital punishment upholds the sanctity of life to protect the community 🛡️. God values human life ❤️ and desires to protect it.
The rainbow 🌈 reminds us of God’s promise to never destroy the world again, showing His closeness and mercy 🙌, even towards sinners.
It should bring us comfort knowing that He’s close enough to see that rainbow.
God is not distant 🌍; He is near and actively intervening in our world and lives through His word 📖 and sacraments ✝️.
📖 Genesis 9:18-28 | Noah Gets Passed Out Naked Drunk 🍷
When Noah became drunk and exposed 🍇, one son humiliated him, but his other two sons responded with compassion, covering his shame.
This reflects how we should treat those dealing with trauma — with mercy, not judgment 💞 (just like how God treats us!). Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you 💧.
Noah was kept safe through water 💦, going to church ⛪, but then he fell into sin. His sons helped steer him away from an identity marked by shame 🛤️, reminding him of his true identity — covered and washed in holiness 🙌. Baptism is a communal thing 🫂. We cannot walk this journey alone; we need each other’s care as we care for others 🤝.
🌈 But now the rainbow has become a symbol of the LGBT community…
The key difference lies in a community that enables sin versus one that covers sin 🌦️.
We don’t want to rejoice in sin but to recognize it for what it is. Help those struggling with sin by bringing them a Savior who heals all wounds and corrects all things 💖.
Jesus shows us what real love looks like, because He is real love 🕊️.
Jesus died to cover your sin and your shame, so you can be known not by your sin, but by the mercies of God ✨.
Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.
Contributor Michelle Bauman is the Director of Y4Life.
#higherthings #lcms #lutheran #genesis #noah
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