January 8, 2025
Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 3:4-15
Daily Lectionary: Ezekiel 2:1-3:11; Romans 1:18-32
“And Solomon awoke, and behold, it was a dream. Then he came to Jerusalem… and made a feast for all his servants.” (1 Kings 3:15)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? Was your wishlist fulfilled? Or did you perhaps get a gift for someone else? Was it just what they hoped for? It is a good tradition to give and receive gifts at the birth of our Lord since He has given Himself as a gift to us. It is only through His holy Incarnation, precious death, fulfilling resurrection, and glorious ascension that we are gifted the forgiveness of sins and blessed with life in His name. Praise be to God for this indescribable Gift!
A ‘Christmas gift’ of sorts came about 950 years early for Solomon. The LORD invited him to ask for a gift. All Solomon needed to do was name his desire, and it would be given to him. Can you imagine? Solomon had the ability to get what he had always wanted and to fulfill his wishlist.
Yet Solomon did not ask for something for himself– not primarily, anyway. No, Solomon asked for “a wise and discerning mind,” or as some might translate, “heart.” Motivated by love for the LORD and His people, Solomon asked for what was necessary to carry out his vocation as a servant-king. He even provided a feast for his servants– not for his fellow kings or for lesser nobility, but for his servants! Solomon’s servant-leadership foreshadows the work of the King of kings in serving His people. Our Lord sets a great Feast before us. His own Body and Blood draws us together and strengthens us for service in His kingdom, which has no end.
We may not be kings, but we have been made daughters and sons of the King of kings. We gain His inheritance and are blessed with advancing His kingdom through our various vocations and callings. Like Solomon, we are called not to use our gifts for ourselves but for others. This is in keeping with God’s will. We are capable of serving others with our gifts because God first gave to us. He has clothed us in His own righteousness. Truly, truly, not even Solomon in all his earthly splendor was arrayed as you are now! As you thank God for your many gifts this Christmas, recall the most precious of all: Jesus Christ. You have, indeed, received what you wanted for Christmas! Your wishlist truly has been fulfilled! Share that Gift.
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
O Lord, through the Incarnation of Your Son, You have given an inestimable gift: the restoration of our human nature. Grant us, as Your servant Solomon, discerning hearts to pursue what is good, true, and beautiful in our vocations; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
-Rev. Donald Stein, pastor of Saint Andrew Lutheran Church in Rockton, IL.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY.
What makes a church “good?” Come join the fictional family as they test out eight different churches in their brand-new town and answer this question along the way. Will the Real Church Please Stand Up? by Matthew Richard, now available from Concordia Publishing House.