March 4, 2025
Today’s Reading: Hebrews 3:1-6
Daily Lectionary: Job 36:1-21; John 11:38-57
“But Christ is faithful over God’s house as a Son. And we are His house if we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in hope.” (Hebrews 3:6)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
I will spare you from asking whether or not we’re a building (The answer is yes: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Peter 2:4-5.), but there’s another way this term can be understood. The House of Israel is all the descendants of Israel. The House of David is all the family of David through the generations and their servants. That’s important. Because Moses is part of the house of God. It’s as a servant, but he is part of the house nonetheless.
Moses is a servant. Jesus is the Son. And being the Son comes with more honor and glory. And to the people of Jesus’ day, this is big news. Because in all the Old Testament, there was no one apart from God who was worthy of more glory and honor than Moses. He was the Lord’s chosen prophet who led them out of Egypt. He was the one through whom the Lord fed His people manna in the wilderness. He was the greatest of all the prophets, and there was no one like Him.
But there was a promise that there would one day be a prophet like Moses. But Jesus was greater than Moses. Jesus didn’t have to go see God; Jesus is God. Jesus didn’t need someone else to cause the miraculous to happen; Jesus caused the miraculous to happen. Moses died, but Jesus did not stay dead. He rose on the third day. And to the people of Jesus’ day, this was a big deal.
Then Jesus did something amazing for us. He made us His house. We’re of His household. However, Jesus didn’t make us mere servants in the house of God. Jesus adopts us as sons and daughters of God. As a baptized Christian, you’ve been given a higher rank than Moses had when he was alive. You’re a child of God, for Jesus has given you His place as heir of the kingdom of God.
This adoption happens by Jesus’ death on the cross and His rising again on the third day. He did that for you. This adoption happens at your Baptism, where you are baptized into His death in order to have His life. This adoption happens as your every sin is forgiven by His ultimate sacrifice. This adoption happens as He speaks His saving Word into your ears. This adoption happens as He brings you to His table and sets you a place. This adoption happens as He gives you His own body and His own blood. You are a beloved child of God. You are an heir in His house. And the kingdom of heaven is made yours.
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
We are God’s house of living stones, Built for His habitation. He through baptismal grace us owns Heirs of His wondrous salvation. We we but two His name to tell, Yet He would deign with us to dwell With all His grace and His favor. (LSB 645:3)
-Rev. Eli Davis, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Grants Pass, OR.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY.
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