Today’s Reflection: Saturday of the Week of Transfiguration

March 8, 2025

Today’s Reading: Introit for Lent 1 – Psalm 91:9-13; antiphon: Psalm 91:15-16

Daily Lectionary: Genesis 3:1-24; Mark 2:1-17

“He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:11)

In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.

Coming up tomorrow is the Temptation of Jesus. We will hear the devil tempt our Savior three times. In one of those temptations, Satan will quote Psalm 91, part of which will be the Introit tomorrow morning. He will argue that Jesus should throw Himself down because the Lord “will command His angels concerning you.” But the devil leaves out what the command will be, skipping forward to just the results. 

But the command is important. It is “to guard you in all your ways.” Stepping off of the pinnacle of the temple is the epitome of an unguarded way. But ways are more than just a footpath you might take your feet on. The ‘way’ in which you live is also meant. That presents us with a problem and Satan with an opportunity. Because we sin. We fall short. We fail when faced with temptation. And for those few short moments where we thought, maybe, that we succeeded, the temptation grows only stronger the next time we face it. Then evil befalls us, and plagues come near our tents.

But the devil accidentally points something out to us. This Psalm is about Jesus. Because it’s Jesus who treads on the adder. It’s Jesus who tramples the young serpent underfoot. Jesus crushes the devil’s head, that ancient serpent, while Satan bruises His heel. Jesus’ feet nailed to a cross. Crucified to overthrow the accusations of the accuser forever. 

In doing that, all those sins have been taken away. All those failed temptations have been forgiven. Jesus has become your way, and He’s the one who keeps you on His path. He has forgiven you. He has given you repentance. He has given you hope. He has given you resurrection. He has given you eternal life. 

And now, when temptation’s hour comes, you have an advocate. You have Jesus fighting by your side. You don’t need to face these things alone. You have Christ, who has overcome your temptation already right here with you. And with Him He brings His Church. You have brothers and sisters in Christ who have also faced those temptations, fallen to those temptations, and have been likewise rescued by Christ. Do not forget their wisdom and experience, for they didn’t get through it alone, either. 

Jesus Christ has overcome temptation for you. He has won life, forgiveness, and salvation for you. And He walks with you even now on your way.

In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.

O Christ, You walked the road Our wand’ring feet must go. Stay with us through temptation’s hour To fight our ancient foe. (LSB 424:5)

-Rev. Eli Davis, pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Grants Pass, OR.

Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, KY.

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