Jesus the Unknown God

🌍✨ “Our God is wildly different.” ✨🌍

In Acts 17:22-23, Paul found an altar with the inscription “To the Unknown God” while walking through the Areopagus in Athens.

When Paul stumbled upon the altar to the “unknown god” in the Areopagus, he wasn’t just finding common ground—he was pointing out a life-changing truth.

In a world where false gods demanded blood, sex, and sacrifices, Paul introduced a God who *gave* instead of *taking*.

Our God doesn’t demand from us what we can’t give.

He doesn’t seek the purest or the most perfect.

Instead, He offers grace, mercy, and forgiveness—freely and fully.

In a culture that’s constantly shifting, where the demands of the world feel endless, remember this:

He’s the God who gives — not to the perfect, but to the broken, the lost, and the least.

In a world chasing after everything that’s temporary – money, popularity, athleticism, likes and follows – remember this: the gods of this world might promise you everything, but only Jesus gives you what you truly need.

So when the world feels trendy, ever-changing, and overwhelming, know that you don’t have to fit into its mold.

Our God is different.

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

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