Faith vs My Own Reason and Logic: How Do I Make it Make Sense?

Ever find yourself trying to figure out how your faith fits with your human logic?


We live in a world where logic and reason are king, but when it comes to faith, things get… well, a little wild.

Here’s the thing: Faith and reason are NOT the same things.

Faith is trusting in something way bigger than yourself…

…something that doesn’t always “make sense” by our earthly, sinful, human rules.

But what if faith actually puts reason in its place?

Like, who’s smarter—us or God, the Creator of literally EVERTHING?

If we’re smarter, maybe we need a better God (spoiler: we’re not).
Faith isn’t about winning a logic battle.
It’s about trusting God even when things seem impossible—like…
The whole “God becoming human” thing. 🤔
The body and wine in the sacraments.
The Holy Trinity – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 3-in-1.
Doesn’t add up, right? But that’s the point.
But one of the fruits of your faith is that our reason can be of service to you…
You know how to read and that helps you to read the Bible and the catechism.
And there we find the words, “I believe I cannot, by my own reason or strength, believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, but the Holy Spirit has called me by the gospel….”
Remember, we are saved through faith, not through reason.
So, is having reason or logic a bad thing?
They just need to be put in the right order.

Your reason is corrected by scripture. Always.

God will tell you a thing that you can’t understand, and that doesn’t mean that it’s not true.

That just means that we have to say, ‘All right, that’s, that’s what it means to have faith.’

This tension between faith and reason will continue as long as we’re in sinful flesh.

So, what question should we ask ourselves instead?

Maybe it’s ‘In what way does faith inform my thinking?’

And the answer is:

In service of God and neighbor
By living the 10 commandments
Because Christ fulfilled them for you
And because you now want to
Not because you have to
But because you want to
Because of your faith

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