Psalm 3 Explained: Finding Hope in Lament

📜 Psalm 3

Facts about Psalm 3…
💔 A Psalm of lament
✍️ Written by David
🏃 David was on the run from his son Absalom

V. 1-2: The Lament Begins 😢
What is lament?
Lament is this: In the midst of your anguish, the pressures of life, the attacks of the enemy, and the temptations of sin, in the middle of being squeezed every day — you cry out to God for help. 🙏💔

V. 4: David cries out to God 📢
“He answered me from his holy hill.” 🏔️
What does that mean? From the cross of Christ, all of your prayers are answered (and more!). ✝️ His death resolves it all for you. 🌅

V. 5-8: Salvation belongs to the Lord! 🎉
The Lord is the one who sustains your life here and in the life to come.🌄
Just like He raises us up every morning from our slumber, so will He raise you up on the last day. 🌅

God hears your laments and you can rejoice that Christ is yours, and you are His forever. ❤️

Contributor Chris Hull is the senior pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center in Macomb, IL.

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