Reflections: Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 40:25-31

Daily Lectionary: Leviticus 9:1-24; Luke 9:18-36


He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. (Isaiah 40:28b)


In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Captivity is exhausting. God’s people were tired. The consequences of following the false gods and bending the knee to the deities around them drove them into captivity. They were no longer free. The people of God were slaves and foreigners in the land that they had been driven to in the deportation. They were tired and weary.

In sin we are held captive in the shackles of this world. Sin holds us in despair. As we compare ourselves to the Law we are left in complete contempt of our failure. We have shackled ourselves to the Law.


Our God sees our exhaustion. He sees our captivity, and through His Son, Jesus Christ, delivers freedom to us. In Christ, the Law was fulfilled on our behalf. We are set free from the condemnation of sin. As the Law beats us down and says to us, “You are not worthy,” Christ says, “You are baptized and connected to my fulfillment of the Law.” Christ is the one who goes to the Cross and pays the price for your sins. He did not turn His back on you and grow tired. He instead reaches out to you with His Holy Word. He speaks His Holy words of Absolution into your ears. He declares you forgiven. He takes His holy water in Baptism and covers you in His righteousness. He shows His love for you in that while you were still a sinner, He died for you. 

We will never be able to comprehend His love for us. All we have is faith that holds fast to His promises and knowledge that in Christ Jesus all is fulfilled. No sin too great for forgiveness. No chasm too great for His reconciliation. His love is far greater than any human mind could understand. The world in which we live delivers bondage, captivity, and shackles. Our God, the Triune God, delivers freedom through Jesus Christ. He is the one God, and He does not grow weary with us. He frees us and sets us apart to live in this world as His people. He is the God who freed His people through His Son Jesus Christ by Christ’s death on the Cross and resurrection. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.


Lord Jesus, think on me And purge away my sin; From worldly passions set me free And make me pure within. (“Lord Jesus, Think on Me” LSB 610, st.1)

-Rev. Timothy Davis is pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Athens, GA.

Audio Reflections Speaker: Rev. Duane Bamsch

Over eight sessions, The Messiah: Revealing Jesus in the Old Testament will lead you through the entirety of the Old Testament with daily readings, questions, and discussion prompts. After a brief introduction that reviews Christ’s earthly ministry, you will dive into the heart of the Holy Books that have spiritually nourished God’s people from creation to today! Now available from Concordia Publishing House.