Are Pastors Required to Report Confessed Crimes?

If you confess to a crime….

…is your pastor required to report you to the police?


Is sin horrible? Yes.
Are crimes horrible? Yes.
But, did Jesus die on the cross for that crime and sin? Yes.

And when you seek out a pastor to confess a crime or a sin, you are not confessing to that pastor as a man.

Nope. You are actually confessing to Christ.

The pastor will ask you, “Do you believe the forgiveness I speak is not mine, but God’s?”

And in doing so, he is asking you – ‘Do you believe that you’ve confessed this sin to Christ?’

And when the pastor absolves you….

It is forgiven.
It is removed.
It is forgotten.
It is drowned.

So whatever you confess to your pastor…

It is Christ’s to bear.
It is drowned in Christ’s blood.
It is hidden in Christ’s wounds.
It is destroyed by Christ’s death.


Chris Hull is the senior pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Student Center in Macomb, IL

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